Wednesday, September 10, 2008


this site is about a little web tv show featuring gamers. while its main objective is to be funny their latest episode intro movie caught my attention. Heres what i wrote about it few weeks ago:

season 2 ep 5 came out recently, the whole show changed quite a bit over time but i still enjoy it

before every show they always do a little video with stuff that have nothing to do aobut the show and this time it was an interesting critic about the current gamesbasically critisizing the massive amount of single player console games we have, for 60$ that give you 10-15 hours of play time. while you can go watch a movie and pay 10$ or just read a the targetted audience for games is larger and theres more "noobs" tha nbefore to satisfy and that kinda dumb games down.i found it pretty interesting, even if it was disguised into something that didnt look serious in the video.

I mean its true, my friend has a ps3 and sometimes we rent games, but were trying to play the mutiplayer games or the ones with co-op stories because this coop mode stories is what we cannot get with pc games, but theres not many games out there, its all single player games. for PC its a bit different, most games have a multiplayer mode, but very few are actually played by a lot of people right now. look at UT3, ET:QW, Q4 to only name those.and then the dumbing game down thing, many people that played aoc were mostly excited aobut it cause of the hardcore factor, it was aimed at hardcore players, same for vanguard, theres a real demand for these games, but theres nothing for them except Horrible games. then you can also think of games that are becoming simpler to accomodate that larger audience thats appearantly noob, think of the NGE in SWG, or the recent Buffs to pve skills in GW (thankfully GW does that well so it doesnt break PvP at all) and theres several more examples of games that are accessible now to people that arent that good of gamers

We havent seen any good competitive game since CoD1, everybody is playing really old games still because they are the best at that even if they look by crap to today's standard.really i dont know whats going on or what will happen in general with the gaming industry as the better players are seeking good competitive games and they constantly get games that arent all that good because developpers seem to be trying to satisfy the masses

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