Monday, October 25, 2010

Bringing more girls in the video game world

As is it this now (altho its changing every year) not many girls play video games. some do and for the most part they are considered "geeky girls" and are often special in their own way, (theres plenty of "normal" girls too, but just not enough yet) The other thing is that they play certain types of games, typically RPG games, sometimes FPS games, and rarely RTS games. RTS games dont appeal to all guys, and it seems understandable that it doesnt appeal to many girls, youre not really a character in a game, but someone dictating the fate of units on the battlefield, kinda like chess, but more starcraft 2. then theres FPS games which are mostly violent and very competitive. theres alot of "owning everybody" and "raping everyone" in these games, which again doesnt appeal to a lot of girls.

lastly theres role playing games which are probably the more popular genre for girls, where youre character is usually involved in a story, and works with others to overcome challenges. and even within RPG's girls often fill stereotypical roles by playing healer classes that are supposed to heal and tend other players. the problem with that is that theres alot of roles that needs to be filled in a group and not every girl is made to be a good healer but thats another story. then in some games like SWG most girls played entertainer classes like dancers, musicians and image designers, because thats girly. and guys that had characters playing these proffesions had em strictly for the utility their provided or to joke around and have funny looking characters.

I also want to clarify that im pointing out the general trend here, theres definitely good RTS and FPS female players, same goes for RPGs, not all girls are healers, (tho I have yet to see a female main tank in any MMORPG)

Then games are mainly designed for guys, with male main characters, usually really badass people (think of Infamous, the force unleashed, Mafia 2, assassin's creed etc etc) girls are rarely the main character, and if they are, they are usually very very sexy, and not necessarly the best type of character for a girl to identify to (think of Lara Croft) in fact, it seems to me that female main characters are generally just to look cool, like a female kicking everybody's ass or using a big gun to destroy things, actually thats how I like to play female characters, unrealistically strong for their size, and just really badass, kinda like all male characters but better looking.

Many girls think these female game characters just look stupid the way that they are arranged to be sexy and have a perfect body and basically dont behave any different than guys as characters.

Now that leads to many questions, how do you design a game that will have credible female characters that are feminine instead of simply looking feminine. and if they are feminine, is everybody gonna cry because the game is too stereotyped. lets say a RPG game wanted to make a realistic female warrior character and for that they had to give her more muscle mass and make her look less feminine. would females and even males be interested in playing such character. ask yourself the opposite, would a male be interested in playing a male character that runs around wearing a bikini. in all games the male game characters are really badass iconic characters that the players kinda want to be, therefore that character has to be a symbol of masculinity to please the male crowd. at the same time, female characters kinda become that perfect woman, tough and rough like a man, but looks like a woman.

To appeal to more girls, there need to be games designed towards them, real games, somehow the industry needs to get a feel of what girls will like and create games accordingly, for example a game that focuses alot on story telling like Heavy Rain couldve been it, but its filled with poorly handled stereotypes and hollywood-like cliches that makes it not a very rich experience. I cant think of other possible avenues for now of games that would interest girls and actually made the brain work to solve problems quickly because...

Games are all about mathematics, the game setting is just a costume to make mathematics more appealing, but its all about numbers and geometry, thats why initially it was only nerdz and geeks playing games, and also mostly guys (the engineering and computer science world is still mostly composed of males). nowadays with games wanting to appeal to a wider audience, and the huge market share of casual games and social games, we have a HUGE portion of the gaming population that doesnt realize that they are doing maths. somehow game developpers needs to make mathematics appealing to girls for them to want to take on challenges we typically get from good games where you have to adapt quickly to a situation and make the best out of whats at your disposal and eventually reach the highest level of competitive play where you play against other human players and where your intelligence is put against the intelligence of other humans. because i think girls are just as competitive as guys, they just demonstrate it differently.

Gaming for girls

interesting how social games on facebook are sooooooo popular, but more interesting is that 69% of the facebook game gamers are women (and 19% consider themselves addicted). meanwhile when it comes to real games, were not sure, but it doesnt feel like more than 20% of gamers are girls.

id be tempted to guess that theres some kind of desire to game in girls, a similar desire that animates us, guys, and allow us to enjoy video games. but at the same time, most games are directed toward guys, and appeal to that crowd specifically, theres also the socialisation hypothesis, where the way we raise kids, its more socially acceptable for a guy to play video games and less for a girl.

in general girls suck at video games, but it doesnt mean they cant be good, its just that most of em dont play or dont bother to reach the same level of competitiveness of guys. I think if there was games targetted at a girl audience, but not stupid games like some of the games that already exist where you have to do really pointless girly lstuff like put makeup on your character and the only point of the game is to look pretty. but actual good games.

at the same time im not sure if both sex are looking for the same thing in a game. for example we could say that guys like to have puzzles to solves, in a game i want to use to use my logic to overcome challenges i want to be able to adapt to situations really fast and push the use every tool at my disposal to its highest efficiency. the question becomes, does that appeal to girls too? For some of them im sure it does, those represent the pretty big amount of gamer girls in this world, but their are still a minority so I'm really wondering what most girls would be looking for in a game, how would it be played, what would be the goal

heres a real world example: last summer I was playing a card game with 2 friends that are girls. I won the first few games, then one of the girl started winning too, and in the end me and her were pretty much equal while the second girl was annoyed by the fact she always lost and thought that her friend was good in games in general (I didnt get credit but thats another story :P) then her friend said that she counted the cards a little to improve her choice of cards when she played and so did I, because its really easy and its so obvious to me that I couldnt do it otherwise. Because if you always play the best card possible every time you greatly improve your chances of winning than if you do several mistakes in the game, the rest is due to luck and having good cards. so the 2nd girl was surprised that we were doing that, and said she didnt and didnt intend to.
I concluded that the 2nd girl in my example would probably suck at most video games unless she really focused on learning, but that would take a moment. but dont get me wrong, i dont think guys are superior than girls in video games or that girls are not capable of being good. its just that some of them either dont want to, or are not socialised in a way to encourage and develop certain skills at a early age, skills that are needed to enjoy video games. I would also like to add that the second girl in my example really liked farmville and tried to get me to play, but after a few levels i just stopped because there was no point in playing for me (earning ribbons? so I can show the world how awesome I am at growing pumpkins?)