I always had a problem with people speaking of addiction to gaming, i didnt know exactly why, but i knew that it seemed not right. As opposed to hard drugs, gamers do not consume any kind of substance that alters the way their neurotrasmitters behave. Its just someone playing a game. Yet we still hear "scientists" say that gaming can be more addictive than hard drugs. How is it possible?
I read a really interesting article earlier this year about the inexistance of gaming addiction. it was written by a psychanalyst and he was saying that it was always another problem that was the cause of intense gaming. you could never conclude that gaming was the problem, gaming was just the result. Theres no such thing as evil games making people addicted to them.
He also stated that gamers usually have no problem stopping to game when something important comes up. for example a person that has a lot of free time will game alot and once that person gets a job and starts to work the person ahs no problem slowing down on gaming to focus on real life.
But we cannot deny that its not that easy for absolutely everyone, some people do neglect their real life as much as possible to continue to play video games. the question then becomes: why? Why do they neglect their real life, what does the virtual world brings to them.
and the answer is pretty simple, the games bypass real life barriers and creates a virtual context. a context in which the caracteristics are controlled. for example. someone thats not very athletic can play a sports game and be really good at it if that person has the mental capacities to actually be good at the game. the person is not limited by his or her body or socio/economic context to practice an activity. Whats interesting is that games are made to reward the gamer and a game like World of Warcraft surely rewards the gamer alot for accomplishing stuff in the game. This kind of success that some people can find in games that they wouldnt find as often in real life. Obviously constnatly getting rewarded for accomplishing things feels good and its that good feeling that probably gets some people to game alot and even neglect their real life, because in that case, their real life is not as fun as gaming is.
But that only concerns some hardcore gamers, because gaming is not just about escape reality. games are most and foremost a fun hobby. it stimulates the mind, gets people to try and beat different challenges and surpass themselves, online games then get people work togheter to achieve even greater goals. It's just great, its like any sports or board game, but without the physical aspect of sports and without the wait of board game since its real-time, its instant and i could go on for a long while stating the good things of gaming but that would be off topic.
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une dependance c'est pas forcement physique...
une dependance est une dependance quand une habitude interfere de facon negative avec le reste de ta vie...
moi jte dit que ya pas de dependance pathologique, je nie pas l'existente de problemes lie au gaming. mais je dit que le gaming en soi n'est pas la cause.
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