How many times do you hear people saying "Electronic music sucks cause it always sounds the same" well heres the part of a conversation I had with my friend on this topic
21:36] #kom.vendeTTa: that's why it annoys me with people that are like OMG ELECTROINC IS SO ANNOYING IT'S ALL THE SAME SOUND
[21:36] #kom.Pako: yea me 2
[21:37] #kom.Pako: but the other day while listening to a cd in the car (While we were driving to quebec city) i was like wtf all we hear is the drums
[21:37] #kom.Pako: and its all the same
[21:37] #kom.vendeTTa: so i'm like well if your mental aptitude for music appreciation wasn't so shallow you'd hear that it's the melody and composition of a song that makes it good and not what instrument is used
[21:37] #kom.Pako: i was aggravated
[21:37] #kom.vendeTTa: lol
[21:37] #kom.vendeTTa: what kind of music?
[21:37] #kom.Pako: a progressive cd i made
[21:37] #kom.Pako: wit hsome of my fav prog songs
[21:37] #kom.vendeTTa: ah
[21:37] #kom.Pako: but i could hardly recognize them
[21:38] #kom.Pako: cause all i heard was the drums
[21:38] #kom.Pako: and i wasl ike well no wonder people dont like it when its what they hear
[21:39] #kom.Pako: do you ahve the song Saburan Nights from Johhn juribers
21:40] #kom.Pako: that was playing in the car and it was kinda low volume and i wasnt able to recognize it until 5 minutes in
[21:40] #kom.Pako: but when you hear other things tha njust the drums its a really good song imo
[21:41] #kom.Pako: but i figure in clubs and all, theres alot of emphasis on the bass
[21:41] #kom.vendeTTa: yeah
[21:41] #kom.Pako: and sometimes you cant always hear the fine sounds well
[21:41] #kom.Pako: and thats the problem when it comes ot promoting electronic music
[21:43] #kom.Pako: people only hear it from clubs or cars
[21:43] #kom.Pako: while the best place to hear it would be on a computer or with a good sound system in a house
The example provided in that conversation is only 1 small example of songs that can sounds like crap if heard in a club or in car with "really freaking good subwooffer that can play music at 150 decibel and kill small fishes using only that". Too many times people miss out on the fine soundings that make a good electronic song
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